Guild of location managers


The Guild of Location Managers is a non-profit organisation set up by location managers working in the UK to maintain standards of the profession. The Guild seeks to inform its members as well as advocate on their behalf the best practice for location managers who are hired to work in film, TV production and on events.


Membership with the Guild of Location managers is divided within two categories: Full Membership and Associate Membership.

ID Cards are given to members of the Guild and once they retire, they can choose to stay informed from the Guild through the Friends section of the organisation. There is also an Affiliate Members section which is for companies and organisations that are tied to the work of location managers and where their partnership and inclusion within the membership structure of the organisation is beneficial.

  • Full Membership: Applicants must have worked for at least 3 years full-time
  • Associate Membership: Applicants will have worked for less than 3 years in the following areas:

  • Location manager
  • Assistant location manager
  • Unit manager
  • Location scout

Code of Practice

The Guild has created a voluntary code of practice which is outlined to its members and is an agreement that affects individuals working on location filming. It's objective is to create a more harmonious working relationship between location managers and all 3rd parties in the industry.


The Guild website features a list of its members with some useful sections dedicated to the industry including the latest news, courses and training events. It also includes an FAQ section which covers a range of topics from job training to on-set insights from location managers.
